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Maturation above 70 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed...
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Parmigiano Reggiano - 70 mesi - 300gr
Maturation above 70 months
€ 9,60

Maturation above 50 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed...
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Parmigiano Reggiano - 50 mesi - 300gr
Maturation above 50 months
€ 7,40

Maturation above 50 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed...
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Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse - 50 mesi - 750gr
Maturation above 50 months
€ 28,50

La Castellana is a soft, white cheese that melts pleasantly in the mouth and...
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La Castellana - Natura 4
La Castellana
€ 7,50

Maturation above 70 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed...
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Parmigiano Reggiano - 80 mesi - 300gr
Maturation above 70 months
€ 15,00

Maturation above 30 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed...
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Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse - 30 mesi - 750gr
Maturation above 30 months
€ 20,60

Maturation above 50 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed...
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Parmigiano Reggiano - 60 mesi - 300gr
Maturation above 50 months
€ 8,00

Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, semi-skimmed milk,...
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Croste di formaggio
Creamy cheeses
€ 6,70

Maturation above 22 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed...
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Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse - 24 mesi - 750gr
Maturation above 22 months
€ 17,25

Maturation above 40 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed...
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Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse - 40 mesi - 750gr
Maturation above 40 months
€ 23,70