Parmigiano Reggiano - 60 mesi - 300gr
Maturation above 50 months
Hard, cooked cheese with slow maturation, made with raw, partially skimmed milk, registered as Protected Denomination of Origin in accordance with Reg. CE 510/2006.
Parmigiano Reggiano "riserva" aged for more than 40 months is characterised by its decided flavour: hidden flavours and aromas reveal themselves to your palate, with notes of hay, walnut and cloves.
Its colour is an intense straw-yellow, the paste is finely grainy, crumbly and drier than less mature Parmesan.
The presence of white tyrosine crystals derived from milk protein decomposition by enzymes is proof of the high level of maturation of this cheese, which stands out for its high digestibility.
€ 8,00
VAT included